Publications by Author: Chen, Xuning

Xuning Chen, Gu Wei, and Peh Shiuan. 8/11/2008. “Design of low-power short-distance opto-electronic transceiver front-ends with scalable supply voltages and frequencies.” In Proceedings of the 2008 international symposium on Low Power Electronics & Design, Pp. 277–282. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The need for low-power I/Os is widely recognized, as I/Os take up a significant portion of total chip power. In recent years, researchers have pointed to the potential system-level power savings that can be realized if dynamic voltage scalable I/Os are available. However, substantial challenges remain in building such links. This paper presents the design and implementation details of opto-electronic transceiver front-end blocks where supply voltage can scale from 1.2V to 0.6V with almost linearly scalable bandwidth from 8Gb/s to 4Gb/s, and power consumption from 36mW to 5mW in a 130nm CMOS process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first circuit demonstration of voltage-scalable optical links. It demonstrates the feasibility of dynamic voltage scalable optical I/Os.
Design of low-power short-distance opto-electronic transceiver front-ends with scalable supply voltages and frequencies
Xuning Chen, Shiuan Peh, Gu Wei, Kai Huang, and Paul Prucnal. 2/12/2005. “Exploring the design space of power-aware opto-electronic networked systems.” In 11th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Pp. 120–131. San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE. Publisher's VersionAbstract
As microprocessors become increasingly interconnected, the power consumed by the interconnection network can no longer be ignored. Moreover, with demand for link bandwidth increasing, optical links are replacing electrical links in inter-chassis and inter-board environments. As a result, the power dissipation of optical links is becoming as critical as their speed. In this paper, we first explore options for building high speed optoelectronic links and discuss the power characteristics of different link components. Then, we propose circuit and network mechanisms that can realize power-aware optical links -links whose power consumption can be tuned dynamically in response to changes in network traffic. Finally, we incorporate power control policies along with the power characterization of link circuitry into a detailed network simulator to evaluate the performance cost and power savings of building power aware optoelectronic networked systems. Simulation results show that more than 75% savings in power consumption can be achieved with the proposed power aware optoelectronic network.
Exploring the design space of power-aware opto-electronic networked systems