Publications by Author: Fang Chi

Fang Chi, Sharon Kedar, Susan Owen, Gu Wei, David Brooks, and Jonathan Lees. 12/18/2006. “System-on-chip architecture design for intelligent sensor networks.” In 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia, Pp. 579–582. IEEE. Publisher's VersionAbstract
While wireless sensor networks can generically be used for a wide variety of applications, breakthrough innovations are most often achieved when driven by a genuine need or application, with its specific system-level and science-related requirements and objectives. Hence, our work focuses on the development of wireless sensor network system-on-chip devices and supporting software for volcano monitoring, which we call Sensor Network for Active Volcanoes (SNAV). In this paper we present preliminary results of our research and development work on intelligent sensor networks for monitoring hazardous environments especially the SNAV system-on-chip design for active volcanoes monitoring.